Embark on a celestial journey through “Eternal Reflections”, an enchanting series of abstract paintings. Inspired by the timeless universe and the introspective wanderings of an old soul, each artwork captures the essence of stars, planets, and nebulae, weaving a narrative that transcends time and space. Discover the boundless wonders of the cosmos and reflect on your own place within the infinite tapestry of existence.

Abstract paintings revealing the artist's inner world through a captivating negative developing process on canvas/papers. A glimpse into raw emotions and untamed thoughts, inviting viewers on a personal introspective journey.

"Enclosed Landscapes" portrays captivating scenes of nature skillfully woven into the artist's experience during physical and psychological lockdowns. These paintings offer a unique perspective on the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless power of imagination, reminding us that creativity flourishes even amidst challenging circumstances. Each brushstroke becomes a portal to explore the beauty of nature within the confines of limitation, reflecting the indomitable connection between art and the human soul.

See more: Dialogues2018-2019Still Life